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Old 02-19-2004, 07:29 AM   #7
tom hand
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Olive Branch,MS,USA
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Edelbrock sells jets and metering rods for primary and secondary. 69 is next to the smallest jet they sell so you proably just need bigger metering rods. Go to and look under q-jet accessories. If you could get in good with a Chevy parts guy, get him to look up what was in a 305 with a q-jet...that should give you a good starting point. Chevy was notorious for not even changeing jets...they would change the float level.....look at a rebuild kit instruction sheet and see how many different float levels they have for different engines,q-jets are super sensitive to float level changes...I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't solve the whole problem by adjusting the float....maybe somebody on here has a sheet laying around and could help you out. What is the carb doing now? If the carb is in good shape and jetted for a should run ok.....just have crappy gas mileage and maybe a little black smoke...I don't think jetting would cause major problems like you described in an eariler post. Good Luck
72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS

Last edited by tom hand; 02-19-2004 at 07:35 AM.
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