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Old 09-21-2015, 08:45 AM   #3777
Lucky Teter at the wheel
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Re: ** YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN ** The truck Chevrolet should have built.

I found a couple of pics of my 1947 CJ 2A I built about 20 years ago and thought I would post them here just for fun. It was my first "hybrid" - a 47 CJ 2A front clip mated to a 1980 CJ 5 tub and chassis. It had a 304 V8 and 4 speed combo and was smokin fast. I had to remake the flat fenders 4 inches longer and get 2 hoods and extend the hood 4 inches also by welding them together. The firewall was also a bear since it was so much narrower, I had to move the pedals over some and relocate the fuse block to the inside of the steering column. Overall it was pretty easy though and looked awesome.
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YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (Finished with MAJOR Surgery - IT'S ALIVE!!!)

The Bride is currently under the knife!
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