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Old 09-21-2015, 03:15 PM   #275
Clarance J
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Re: Just another old truck.

Its been awhile since I've posted any progress on my truck Clarance J. But progress has been made. Battery box relocated--done. Firewall holes welded up filled and finished--done. Cab vent holes and rusted areas patched filled and finished--done. Firewall primered, sanded, and painted--done.
The time finally arrived to work on the front clip. Since I'm making the front clip tilt it needs to go on as one unit. The radiator support is a stand alone unit so the fenders can not be bolted to it. What I needed was a stand to hold everything in place so I could assemble all the different parts into one unit.
Seeing the cab carts built on here I got the idea to build a front clip cart. First thought was wood but looking at my stock supply that was a no-go. Used most of it this summer on raised boxes for the garden. But I did find a bunch of 3" pvc tubing my brother gave me from his house build. So thats what I'll use.
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