Trying pic but not sure how to get it from managed to here. Hoping it pops up but not holding breath.
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WOW, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while!!
This look is circa 1982 ish. I got this when grandpa died in 1980, put a cassette and equalizer with two speakers in the floor and drove it stock for a year while I fixed a 240Z. Then in 1982 a friend and me painted it this color, inside a cream. Friends mom covered the seat and another friend was installing new carpet so I got a scrap piece and put some felt from the paper mill under that. New white oak with clear in the bed. Had white spokes and some big tires that were junk but all I could afford. Drove it a little then parked it inside till I wrecked my Datsun PU and had to put it back into service in 86. Put these wheels and tires on then. Married in 87, engine was smoking on accell and decell. Trans had a bearing going down and brakes were starting to leak. In 88 I bought a 67 ford with a 390 and built it so I could park the 63. It went into the garage of our first house in sept of 88 and has seen sun three times since then, onto a trailer to Atlanta and back inside. Onto a trailer again for a move back to here and into Moms garage where it has been since 97 till six months ago when I got it and brought it home and back inside.
A long story leading up to now but middle of Aug senior daughter needed a truck for homecoming parade at school on Sept 4th and wanted to ride in the 63. I had pulled the front clip and blown it apart to blast the inner fenders and rad support, engine was on floor with trans, and I had a touch over two weeks to make it go. Friend gave me a used 350 that "smoked when started, would smoke the tires in the 65 it was in and didn't make any noise", to get me going. I made the mistake of pulling pan to put a new gskt on and found a piston skirt!! Lets just say after a new crank and related, pistons, valve lap, and trans bearing I drove it around the block at 7:30 PM sept 3rd. This pic was taken at 1:00AM Sept 4th after a wash, hand buff with 3M finesse middle and final stage and a carnuba wax. The parade was a success and I can't stop driving it!! Sorry so long, I will try to start a build thread for details.
Last edited by red211; 09-24-2015 at 10:10 PM.