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Old 02-19-2004, 03:54 PM   #9
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The engine idles fine but when u try and floor it it sputters and chokes. It also cracks or backfires when rev it from idle. If you hold it at like half throtle and floor it, it will rev up fine. When i floored it with out reving it up first and opened the secondarys it cut out and then it took off and reved up. I was just thinking that it was getting too much gass. I tried driveing just the length of my shop and it just died it has no power at all. It smokes really bad when u rev it up but i think that is just from the heads leaking oil into the cylinder. I was told that the old heads are bad for that especially in a high compression 283 and a high comression 350. I was also told that this card was a 795 if that makes much of a difference.
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