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Old 09-30-2015, 11:20 AM   #2
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Re: Vent Window Rebuild

Originally Posted by biohazardbill View Post
Anyone have any suggestions on the best way to go about rebuilding one of these setups to make it pretty again? Was thinking powdercoating it.

Also what is the best way to replace the vent glass?

How the heck do you get it out of the channel?
Hah! I had one glass actually fall out of the channel and smash on the ground. The other one came out pretty easy. Remove the vent from the door. Place a wood block flat on the glass with the block edge against the frame and tap at different places. That should loosen it.

Beware of the vent rebuild kits. The rubber pieces made by Counterparts are not very correct, so check with the vendor and ask who makes their kits. Also, the economy kits will often come with a thin fuzzy tape for the window channel but it lets the window flop around. You will be much happier with the OEM style window channel insert.

I am living with what I bought but I'm not very happy with some of it. I bought my vent rebuild kit from Truck and Car Shop and it's made by Counterparts. The rubber that surrounds the vent frame does not seal up against the door metal and I had to find scraps of rubber to stuff into the gap so water doesn't pour inside the door at the bottom of the vent. I'll post a photo if I can find one. I did get very nice OEM style window channel inserts from Truck and Car Shop and those were great, but they were not made by Counterparts.

I researched a bit and found that Steele Rubber Products and SoffSeal both sell the vent rubber pieces but they are EXPENSIVE $$$$$. Maybe that's where I should have spent my money the first time.
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