Originally Posted by PGSigns
Have you thought about splitting the sets? Base sets, one for light clusters and one for gauges and the optional gauge set that has vac, tach and pressure? I think you would sell a lot more sets. For a guy with the basic light cluster $55 to get 2 decals would be a no go.
PGSings I would love to do it but economics says no, the cost of the artwork then forecasting the sales and then having to stock products that may or may not sell, I only do this for the love of the hobby and because I needed it for my own trucks. I purchased several sets from LMC & I didn't care for quality or the fact that they couldn't send them to me without them being wrinkled three times in a row. And that doesn't even say anything about the fact that when I got them they didn't fit correctly and then I had to cut them get them to fit because I didn't want to remove the needle on the gauge. So in my set it covers all the years and options in one set and you don't have to cut anything to get them to fit your cluster. So are they perfect (No) but they are as close as you can get without sending your cluster to a professional and having them stencile the graphics to your cluster which will cost a lot more than $55 shipped to your door in the united states.
I had to go back and read your post again and then I realised that you are a sign guy..............we may have to talk maybe we can make a deal and you could produce these for me at a better price?