Dr. Ablow from Fox News had an article on this just yesterday, if I can find it I will link it.
Basically, social media is leading many Americans to become complete narcissits that cannot fathom being wrong about anything. They pretend to be celebrities on their FB pages and pretend to really have 1,500 friends. Via "deletion" they close themselves off from all who are different and surround themselves with parrots. I have been deleted many times over (usually by liberals but often by women) for daring to disagree. I never use personal insults or profanity at any time on the internet but it's disagreement that people cannot handle.
Now imagine such people in positions of power: a supervisor, teacher, policeman, commander......scary times are ahead.
Myself, I THRIVE on dissent. Only then can I truly begin to evaluate my thinking and either defend my position more strongly or realize my error and learn from it.