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Old 10-05-2015, 07:37 AM   #462
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Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

I finally got some time to work on it Sunday!! I don't know if yall have heard about the rain we are getting in South Carolina but it is pretty damn ridiculous!

I pulled the steering column back out and the seats for the final adjustments, hopefully.

I even started buttoning up under the hood.

Then I got a wild hair and wanted my grill on and the front end back somewhat assembled.

I even had to sit my hood on to see how it looks again. I think it looks great!

I had such good motivation and was making great progress, even was getting to a point of fabbing up a setup for my wiper motor then a fuse blew on power lines and I lost power for the rest of the day!! So I only got a few hours in.

Hopefully I can get some more progress soon.
1988 GMC R3500- Cut Brothers 4WD Conversion Kit, 6.5 TD NV4500/NP208 D60 14BFF
2020 1500 Silverado 3.0 Babymax
2002 2500 Silverado- 6.6/ Allison
2010 CTS V- The "NastyBuzzard"
1979 Trans Am - Eventually getting 6.0/T56 swap with boost
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