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Old 10-05-2015, 08:21 AM   #464
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Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by silverbear View Post
I drove up to Greenville, SC last Wednesday in the rain and it had not stopped when I left on Friday. I heard they got 20+ inches of rain over the weekend. As wet as that seems, just be glad it wasn't snow.

Truck is looking GOOD. I like the cowl hood.
Thank you for the compliment! I need to find a different bed I think, I also need to start considering paint but that is still a ways off.

I love that style front grill that is for sure.

Yeah I live about 1.5 hours away maybe a little more from Greenville. I live less than an hour from Columbia which got hit the worst. We definitely got over 2' of rain just over the weekend. I am so glad I live on a hill so I didn't get flooded but I have seen bridges give away and roads collapse. Also seen how it is in Columbia with houses completely drowned. Like water above the garage doors and some very close to their roofs. Cars completed covered in water, it is crazy!
1988 GMC R3500- Cut Brothers 4WD Conversion Kit, 6.5 TD NV4500/NP208 D60 14BFF
2020 1500 Silverado 3.0 Babymax
2002 2500 Silverado- 6.6/ Allison
2010 CTS V- The "NastyBuzzard"
1979 Trans Am - Eventually getting 6.0/T56 swap with boost
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