More info,
I replaced the bearings while I had it apart. They looked OK but smelled like melted plastic. I pack the bearings using the palm of my hand. I always make sure grease is coming through in between the rollers. I lay a good bed of grease on the race before I lay the bearing in. As for the locking parts I don’t go crazy with grease in there. Just enough to keep things slippery.
Other damage I noticed inside was the C-clip on the axle shaft was bent outward like the locking piece was pushed against it really hard. The piece that the outer hub bolts to had to be pulled out(I rigged a puller using screwdrivers and the outer hub) because it wore a lip on the inside of the hub. The weirdest damage was about 1/8 inch of the spindle was broke off. Just to where the threads start.
I’ve had this truck since 83 and have serviced the hubs at least 20 times. When I install the spindle nut I run it down tight to make sure the bearing is set then back it off. I retighten it just enough to get the wiggle out of it. I check it again after the wheel is on just to make sure.
The more I learn about women, the more I love my truck.