Originally Posted by Elliot949
... I am looking at doing a March Serpentine belt system on it so that will drive it up some...
A word of caution on using March. Their systems look great, but their idler pulleys are
JUNK! Be prepared to do some research and find a pulley that will fit in place of their idlers. The idler pulleys are made in China and have sealed bearings, so you can't disassemble and re-grease them. I've had one of their kits with three idler pulleys on my GTO for over a decade now (they were the only ones on the market at the time for a Pontiac motor). I had 5 different idlers squeal within a year of use, and even as short as 2 weeks of use (all at different times). And it only gets louder when the engine warms up.
Look into one of their kits that does not have an idler pulley, and has an automatic tensioner. Or look into one of the other companies like Vintage Air or Billet Specialties to name a couple.