Thread: What To Do?
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Old 02-20-2004, 11:18 PM   #2
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Hey 1st off welcome to the board..You came to the right place for answers and help..

Now on to some of my .02 cents for answers.
If you do keep it and get a new crate motor for it, I would rebuild the 700r4. They can be built pretty strong and hold up to 5-600 horse and torque..
as for axles I would definately upgrade them to 3/4 or 1 ton..
which you could easliy get off a donor chevy for good prices or just by looking around you newspaper and classifieds. Heck even on here.
the 10bolt under the back of that would probably not last to long on some hunting trails with big tires..

depending how hard you want to wheel this on hunting trails you might want to get a different transfercase..
You should have a NP208 under there now which are pretty good if not hole shot to many times..but a NP205 would be the best option..

keep asking away..
I know others have different opinions.
But most will agree..

and again
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