Thread: 2 or 4 barrel
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Old 10-14-2015, 08:34 AM   #1
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2 or 4 barrel

Was wondering what everyone thinks about going to a Quadrajet and intake over a 2 jet Rochester for fuel mileage. I am going to have to buy a new carb which is going to be around 220.00. I tried to rebuild the 2 jet but the vacuum piston for the power valve is so bad I doubt that it ever pulls off the valve. I get about 8 miles per gallon and the exhaust will puke out black carbon onto the concrete. The plugs are also black. I has a manual choke and I have checked that numerous times to find it completely open. I have set the float to where there is no way of getting overflow. I have inspected the carb while running and find no evidence of overflow. It doesn't run too bad but it seems like I always have to be resetting the idle mixture. The motor will start and run first thing in the morning without ever using the choke. The truck is a 65 with a 283 and 3.07 rear end gears. The engine is basically stock except for a RV cam. It came with power pack heads. My question is would it be worth the trouble changing to the Qjet.

Thanks for any input
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