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Old 10-14-2015, 09:09 PM   #13
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Re: Side Rails on Ebay, good for short box installation

Originally Posted by aerotruk63 View Post
They are a version of the real deal. If you look closely at the mounting pad it has rectangular base. The Originals I have, and pictured in the Installation Instruction Book are pointed towards the front. Also along the side of the angled vertical section there's a defined line as the originals are a smooth surface.
I'd still put these on a truck anyhow as they are so close to the original.
Years ago I bought a single base mount and it was shorter than the original ones I have. Maybe off a F**d.

So interest got the best of me since the link to Atlanta showed the rails on a GMC. I looked in the 64 & 65 GMC Accessories book and there's no listing for the rails.

Hello, I am so glad to have joined your group. I have been researching the rails for a while and I need some help. I have looked in every 6066 GMC Accessories Catalog. GMC never made a set of side rails available with a GMC part number. The closest you could get was the Chevrolet set from the same year. Chevrolet lists a part numbered kit in 1960,61,and62,that I know of. I have not found a 64,65,and 66 Chevrolet Accessories book ,yet. The Chevy Instructions for the 1960 year model kit were dated 1959. They use bolts, lock washers, and nuts to mount the stanchions. By 1962, they had made the change to threaded screws. Otherwise, the same kit with the same measurements. This supports the idea that the three-screw bases alone are correct. They would have drawn the new bases when they updated the instructions. But they only drew the new screws and the original bases. Now there were aftermarket rail kits back then. There were kits available in later years that look and work just fine. But the rectangular base stanchions I have observed most often, were on early-mid seventies Ford trucks. The 1960-62 Chevrolet kits did not offer the rectangular based stanchions. People use them, then and now. And they look great. But I see Ford trucks in my minds eye when I see them. The ironic note of all this, is that I do not have a Chevrolet truck. I have a GMC. But I am trying to get it to where it would be an all GM truck. IF you wanted to keep it all GMC in 60, you could not have rails. Next best scenario, and keeping it all GM at least, go to the Chevrolet dealer and order there kit. Remember, same box, just different tailgates. I will try to upload some of the materials I have come across in my research. May take a couple of uploads. Thanks for your time and any input is really appreciated. GM
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