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Old 10-14-2015, 10:05 PM   #10
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Re: Stencil Painted Numbers on 62 GMC Frame

Originally Posted by 1960HDGMC View Post
Hello, This is my very first posting here. Had to wait a day or two,I am chompin at the bit. I have been looking for other people that have these numbers on there frame rails. I have a 1960 GMC 1002 that was a very early production out of Pontiac. The original owner, now 91 flew up there to get the truck in late 1959. When I took the truck apart, I was pressure washing the frame when these red numbers started showing thru the crud. I am also a member of the 6066GMC Club and have asked around there. No one else seems to have them. I am guessing some rails got the numbers, and others did not. This thread has shown me that Chevy and GMC had the numbers. Here is a picture of my numbers. Any help with the decoding much appreciated. Thanks and glad to be here, GM
Thanks Lostmy65, Forgot to mention the first line, 1002&1502 STD was for 1/2 ton and 3/4ton Standard Transmission Frame. The next row is probably the manufacturers code for this particular frame rail set. The last four digits offset to the right on this line, I am guessing, are the number of rail pairs. The last row is September 26, 1959,which I suspect is the date the frame rail pair was completed. I would bet that Chevrolet frames also could have these codes, but to date, I have not seen any. Come on Chevy guys, give em up, haha. GM
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