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Old 10-21-2015, 08:37 PM   #5
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Re: Porterbuilt vs. Ride Tech control arms info? Maybe CPP?

I have looked at the newer style of MMW arms, to me they look pretty cheap which is another reason I want to stay away from them. Porter built is defiantly my first pick but I need to keep money in mind along with ease of installation due to some medical issues that I will have to deal with starting early Dec. That is why my second choice is Ride tech at the moment. The fact that you can get PB arms 1" forward is really nice which is why I was hoping they would work without modifying the steering or shocks. I am also using the stock crossmember so not sure if that makes a difference with how close they get to the steering or not.
'80 GMC C15, still in progress...
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