Thread: Garage Lifts
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Old 10-23-2015, 03:23 PM   #1
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Garage Lifts

I lived in Florida when I started building my truck and the garage had a 12 foot ceiling....high enough for a two post lift which would raise my truck high enough to walk under without ducking. I moved to Arizona soon after the truck was finished and I've been looking for a new lift. The ceiling is just too low for any of the two post lifts and the slab is a post tension slab with cables spaced every 8 inches or so which eliminates any lift that needed the base plates bolted to the slab.

Bend Pak FINALLY came up with a scissors lift that has a clear center under the transmission, exhaust and driveshaft when the lift is raised. Best of all, it's $1200.00! Available from Summit racing under the name QuickJack.
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