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Old 10-24-2015, 05:26 PM   #1
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Great tip here guys came out great on mine (pic)

My original 87 alternator was stamped with a QC mark "C1" I had taken the alternator off before blasted it and wrote with a sharpie C1 I knew it wasn't up to par but for the time being it mainly kept me from forgetting what was stamped on it.

Well this time I've been going through a lot of maintenance getting things back right for awhile and had staples make a custom stamp reading "C1" took them a picture and also a sample drawn to scale with a sparpie they matched it up perfect.

if anyone wants I kept the paperwork of the order I can provide it so you get the exact match yourself if you detail out and rebuild your alternator back to original. Be glad to.. see pic below looks identical to as it was before it was ever touched.

not many care about this stuff i realize that but there is a few guys that are original guys so I hope you find this helpful.

Name:  IMG_6268-2.jpg
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Last edited by weider1717; 10-24-2015 at 05:35 PM.
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