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Old 10-27-2015, 10:11 AM   #1833
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Re: Donz '65 SWB Stepper Budget Build...

Originally Posted by clemdaddy View Post
me too... its tough to keep us old dogs down.
speedy recovery bro.
Thanks again Guyz!!!

I had to highlight Clem's post due to the "old dogs" reference...

A little back story to catch you up on what's been happening in my world...
To assist in financing my addiction to ol trucks I reverted to my younger days and landed a second job... I now wear a green shirt and push auto parts... the parts discount incentive is pretty cool also.. Here's where the "old dogs" comment comes in... Last Thursday, the fateful day, at 0600 I stepped outside to wLk our little dog JoJo... in my foggy head I wasn't paying attention as he walked through a flower bed and as I attempted to follow I stepped on a landscape timber that was no longer secured... it rolled and my ankle and leg rolled with it as I fell back and twisted to keep from landing in a rose bush. I immediately stood and knew I'd sprained my ankle at the very least. I went back inside and had my lovely wife wrap my ankle... by "0700 I was at O'Reillys ready to work, albeit moving slowly. Thankfully I have an understanding manager who gave me the leeway to take my time. I worked until 1230 on what I assumed to be a sprained ankle. Friday I woke to a little more discomfort than the previous day, I had my first tattoo appointment cancel, so I went to see my doc for a better checkup since the pain was a dull ache above my ankle... A couple of x-rays later and I find the leg is broke and a follow up appt with an orthopedic doc was scheduled for Monday...
Fast forward to Monday after the dr visit... The Fibula (smaller non-weight bearing bone) was broken just above the ankle. Good news, no resetting or surgery required... and a taller walking boot was strapped on. 6 weeks till this boot and I can part ways.
Long story short, this old dog worked with a broke leg and thanks to God, I am healing nicely and able to continue daily with work, although I am moving slower than normal...
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Proverbs 27:17
US Air Force Retarded errr Retired
My '65 Stepper Build:
My '60 Rusty Patina Build:
My '72 SOLD
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