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Old 10-27-2015, 09:24 PM   #1
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pictures of my original harrison radiator being recored. 1987

I had this done he was nice enough to send pictures and I also had him record my original harrison heater core at the same time.

I really recommend this guys you keep to keep your harrison side tanks which are metal instead of those plastic repros. Anything repro is usually not as good (yes griffin etc is better) but if you're wanting to stay original I suggest this route I've been pleased.

Notice the tag on the side tank that tag tells the year and other info about the truck be sure to keep this and reinstall.

Went back with a 3 row core just as the original and I bet money this will last another very long time like the original instead of replacing your rad ever2-5 years with made in China crap.

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Name:  2Rvs3RX3_8Tubes 001.jpg
Views: 345
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Name:  Assembled 001.jpg
Views: 341
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