Thread: Eaton rear axle
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Old 02-22-2004, 02:02 PM   #8
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Other than being expensive, there is nothing wrong with the eaton differental. It is in fact tough as nails.
If you were to locate a V8 automatic powered C/20, it should have 4.10 gears in it onles otherwise optioned.
The pic I posted here is an Eaton differantal under a c/20 longhorn. ho52 is the 3/4 ton version, while one tons got ho72. Some ppl think they have a one ton rear in there truck, but if it is suspended by coils, you can automaticly call B.S. since one tons never came with coils. (onless some one modified a leaf rear) I only mention this becouse I hear so many 3/4 tons with a supposed one ton rear)
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