Originally Posted by dsraven
at ride height you would want the lower control arms to be parallel to the ground. tough to see that with my head on sideways, but is that how yours are? if not then the front end geometry will be off because as the control arm travels up and down it actually moves the ball joint in an arc and effectivelt moved the tire contact patch in and out from the frame. if you start out with it above or below the parallel line then the alignment will suffer. if it is a problem you can fix it with drop spindles. the coil overs can be adjusted a bit but if it puts the front end out of whack then it has an effect on bump steer, and how the tires fit in the fender openings (the tires are going to tip in or out, depending on the relationship of the upper and lower control arm angles). as example, if the lower control arm is angled up to start and the upper is angled down, like yours is (I can see that one easily) then as the vehicle goes over a bump the lower is going to travel upwards and the arc will bring the lower ball joint closer to the frame but the upper control arm will take an arc up, past the level mark which will tip the tire outwards first, then when past the level mark the upper ball joint comes back inwards on it's arc. if you are running close tire to fender clearance you may have a problem.
as it sits it looks like the drivers side is a different angle than the passengers side. maybe my eye. it would be good to talk with a front end alignment guy and see what he says. also, check the geometry on the spec sheet for whatever front end you have there and set it up according to what is correct for that set up, then decide if the stance is what you want. if not correct it by getting the right spindle set.
Thanks for the response! That a corvette k member and veter a arms and spindles. I set the truck on jack stands so that the bottom a arms were level to the ground and then install the brackets and coilovers as I let the truck down on the ground it came out with the a arms not sitting level and being about two inches to high. The only thing I can come up with is I need shorter shocks and springs? With the truck sitting on the ground my shock has 3 1/2 travel up and down! But my spring is as low as I can get it.. What do you think now?