Re: Engine oil...... an interesting story
Some one should have told him that he was wasting his money. 7,000 between oil changes no problem, and I'd bet it would have looked the same inside. I use synthetic and push it over 10,000 most of the time. I could be wrong, but I think the recommended is some where around 7,000 now. 3,000 miles was a good number when poorly running engines used gas guzzling carburetors and the oil was of much poorer quality. 185,000 plus miles on my wife's and my vehicles and they run like new. Fuel injection with every point along the way monitored and adjusting the motor to run cleanly and efficiently is a very big reason why these vehicles can get 300,000 plus miles between rebuilds.
Last edited by BrianG; 10-29-2015 at 09:35 PM.
Reason: wasn't done typing...ooops