been a rough week
Tuesday moring my wife calls in a panic, her 2010 Impala died. Turns out the transmission is shot. Its locked up and most likely has a cracked case based on the amount of fluid on the ground. Car had no leaks prior. Going to cost $4000 to replace and I dont have the money so its sitting. Today on my way home from work the transmission in my 85 went out. Was creeping in traffic about 5-10mph and as soon as it opened up I gave it gas and it may as well have been in neutral. Was able to get to the shoulder thankfully. I feel it go into gear in reverse and in drive but have no forward or reverse. Was low on fluid the other day but I topped it off and it`s been working fine. At least this one I can fix but I`m going ot have to take a chance on a used one. Cant afford a new rebuilt and need this fixed by Monday. Found one from a transmission shop that they used in their test car. We`ll see what I end up with. Just wasnt planning on fixing this right now. Cant believe I lost 2 transmissions in the same week.