intermitent starting
Good morning all,,,,,I'm having a starting problem with my '69 chevy c-10. its a 350/305 heads. When first starting in the morning,,when its cold, it starts. After driving it,,even if I let it set for awhile,,,it sometimes won't start,,,just clicks the starter. I've replaced starter cables/wires,,,even rerouted some of the wires so as not to touch the headers. Now if I have my wife hold the ignition clear over in the 'start' position and jump the starter,,,boom,,,it kicks the solenoid and it starts. I've got another ignition switch which I'm gonna install and see if thats it. I'd had a problem with the headlights and thought it might be the ignition switch,,,so installed a new one. My mechanic says the if the wire from the igniton switch to the starter got fryed,,,which it did and we changed it,,,that might have affected the switch. Seems like a wire is getting hot and stretching out,,,then cooling, which lets it start. Any suggestions?