Re: carb newb
Alright, had a chance to get back to the carb, everything is dry and should be ready to put back together. Looked through my kit and looks like I've got all the gaskets and parts that I need. While the three main sections of the carb were soaking in the dip I cleaned up some of the other parts with carb cleaner. When I pulled the parts out of the dip I also hit them with carb cleaner and did a little scrubbing with a brush. There was some greasy gunk in the main body. The only oil I have around at the moment is some motorcycle oil, non-synthetic 4 stroke 10W-40, is that ok to use to soak the accelerator pump plunger in? Or should I use regular car oil? Might be a dumb question but I'd like to avoid as many dumb mistakes as possible. I attached photos of the parts post-cleaning, am I missing anything that anyone can tell? I'm going to soak the acc. pump plunger for a few minutes, start putting everything back together, replacing old parts for new ones that came with the rebuild kit. Once the carb is back on the engine and accelerator, choke, vacuum, and fuel are hooked back up is there anything I should do before starting the engine? I know the air/fuel and idle screws will need to be adjusted right?