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Old 11-02-2015, 07:52 PM   #4
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Re: Advice on dash welding?

Originally Posted by Tod59 View Post
Hey Guys, a question about fixing/welding the aftermarket radio hole the previous owner cut into the dash on my 1959 1/2 ton.

Which method would you guys prefer to use as seen in picture #1 or picture #2? I can weld (just ok) and grind and use a wire welder at home. My fear is if I use method #2 and something goes wrong, in the welding process there is no more metal to cut and remove and fix.....except to buy a replacement dash and I don't want to do that $$.

I thought method #1 is better and take as little metal out as needed. If I screwed up, just make the hole in the dash a little bigger and order another $40.00 replacement panel.

I thought about replacing the metal exactly where the previous owner cut it out, but welding and grinding around the circular radio knob holes would be tricky at best.

So, any advice for those that have done this before? All comment and advice welcomed. I do want to do this myself and I'll use a wire welder with gas shielding.

Tod, I had about the same looking cutout that you have on my 59 and i ended up using the whole replacement panel (#2 Method) My reasoning came down to, To me their was just the outside edges area to work around instead of in between the top and bottom's of the round knobs.and like suggested maybe a little less warping. all in all, it still is a tedious job and i would take replacing the whole dash (which i did on my 58) over replacing just the panel piece any day.
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