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Old 11-04-2015, 06:41 PM   #23
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Re: New HBalancer is coming off! What did I do wrong?

Originally Posted by chevy_mike View Post
No, the hole is not there. There is a starting dimple about 1/4" deep. I found that I used a 1/4" drill bit (IIRC) and did the first drill into the crank. The I stepped up a few sizes, drilled and then to the final tap size. Basically three drill bits to get to the tap size. Then tapped the hole. Being cast iron crank, it drills and taps very easily.

Make sure you get the correct drill size for the tap you are going to use. No getting close, get the right one.

As for the bolt, Mr. Gasket has them (most auto parts places have Mr. Gasket stuff) or you can order it Mr. Gasket 945G Harmonic Balancer Bolt Kit: Automotive

Take your time.
Okay thank for your information! I'm gonna head to NAPA today Nd get the bolt and washers, I found that I do have the 7/16-20 tap and drill to make the threads, I am going to do it over the weekend...

Now my last question, after I tap the hole and get out the puller the push in the balancer, is it possible to push it in too far? Or once it stops, that means it's good and then fasten the bolt on? I believe I read that it is possible to push it in too far but I might be wrong. I just want to make sure I get enough info before I do the job.
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