Thread: carb newb
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Old 11-05-2015, 02:18 AM   #14
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Re: carb newb

Ok... got the new carb and adapter plate. Seems like people are having different experiences as far as linkages matching up, choke cable not reaching, etc. So I got the adapter plate bolted up and put the carb on and the bolts that came with it are JUST too short, only about 1mm sticks out from under the adapter plate. I'll stop by the the hardware store and grab some slightly longer bolts tomorrow. The rear left bolt doesn't go in to very easy either, it doesn't get straightened out enough to go in and took some light tapping in with the handle of a screw driver. Looks like the fuel lines will need some fabrication to match up to the carb. Also I'll need a new fuel filter, the old glass one looks sweet but doesn't filter anything. I'll check out the throttle linkage and choke cable tomorrow and see if they're going to work or not.

No idea why the photos show up sideways on here :-/
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