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Old 11-07-2015, 07:16 PM   #1
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Transmission is kicking my butt

Pulling the 700R4 from my 85 to have it rebuilt. I got rid of most of my tools a couple years ago not expecting to have anything I`d need them for. Wish I was in the garage doing this but the driveway will have to do. This thing must not have ever been out before because everything is so tight. Well, except the missing transmission mount bolts. They are long gone. Should would be easier if I could get it a little higher and still had my old tools but I`m getting there. Been a little while since I did this much wrenching and I`m not built to be rolling around on the pavement but its coming. Just need to undo the transmission lines, remove the electrical connector to the trans, pull the driveshaft all the way out and remove the crossmember and it should come out. I`m taking it to a guy in my home town who builds transmissions. He is going to go through and upgrade it to the later model stuff and make it a bit stronger as well. Alright, break time is over.
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