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Old 11-09-2015, 03:46 PM   #1
jacob 23
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Location: virginia beach,va
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1969 c10 Saginaw 3 speed w/o OD help!!!

Been looking for weeks for help with my 3 speed Saginaw. Drove this for 3 months straight with good maintance since I work in a shop. Since I've had it it's been very noisy while down shifting like a dry gearbox. Had to downshift hard to 2nd to avoid a accident in front of me. Next day I'm at a red light and it starts making whirring sound in neutral with clutch out but goes away when pressed in. Drove fine for a while and now reverse try's to pop out and makes clunking sound. Starting to do it in 1st as well. When in neutral it feels like the both reverse and 1st are engaged and is very loud. Replaced flywheel, clutch, pressure plate, release bearing and pilot and nothing has changed just have a better pedal. Took side cover off and found no problems and no shavings. The main shaft has play and the whole gear box is noisy when turning by hand. Is it he reverse idler and main shaft bearing or is my trans just need completely overhauled now that I drove it that day.
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