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Old 02-23-2004, 01:59 PM   #4
Try spinnin 4 rear tars
SWEET7T's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Posts: 757
AH man, the memories of hitting the dunes I miss it

Your tires will work great in the soft stuff! Drop the pressure down to ~10-15psi. I never popped a bead at that pressure, but that doesn't mean that you wont. If your suspension is flexy, it sure helps out if you have open diffs. I ran open diffs in a Jeep without any problems of getting stuck. Remember that speed is your friend (but not too much speed ). If you stop, stop at the top of a hill/dune so you can get going easliy. Take a hi-lift (in-case $h!t) and a piece of board to put the jack on so it doesn't sink in the sand.
Keep an eye on your temp gauge, sand can sure tax your drivetrain!
1970 C10, 2wd, LB, 307/TH350/3.08. PS, PB
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