Thread: New guy here
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Old 11-11-2015, 08:14 PM   #1
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New guy here

I'm new to this place--still trying to learn to navigate around and ask a few questions without trying to be too pesty and gain some information. I'm not having much luck with searching out the answers.

I own several restored cars and enjoy them all. I have been through the entire gambit of restoring my own through buying one already completed so I know some of the procedures, however I don't currently own a Chevy or a truck. I have noticed that the cars that mean the most to me are the ones that I have memories for. I have owned several highly sought after classics but I have noticed that if I don't have a history with this make/model, I soon get bored with it and sell it.
This leads me to the Chevy truck.
In the fall of '73, I begged, borrow, and bought on time, (think it was $50 a month) a 65 Chevy pickup from the construction forman that I was working (and learning) for. It was already a bit of a beater, the common green half-ton, with the 4 speed and the 283 cu V-8. This had been his work truck for years and although it ran well, I don't think it had a panel that didn't have a dent.
Long story short, I sort of grew up and a bit responsible working my first real job, with that truck. It got me to work, got me to play, and everything in between, although the 70's--or at least what I can remember of them! Lol. I made several long trips to each coast in it to by goods with questionable legality, if you know what I mean, and more than once it headed out of state with a hidden load of Coors beer which helped me fund my fun. I kept it until it was pretty-much wore out in about 1979 or '80. By then I was getting married, having kids and buying station wagons. Companies that I worked for always supplied me with a work truck. I'm looking for a truck like my old one and I've seen several around, just have some questions before I pull the trigger.
I see several of the 20's, the 3/4 tons. What is the drivabilty compared to the half-tons. Is the trannies, rear-ends and therefore top speed about the same? Are they rougher riding?
Is there a spotters guide somewhere that I am missing that would show the unfamilier (like myself) what the differences are between the years?
Thanks, in advance for any help here. I am getting the mid 60's Chevy truck bug...
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