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Old 11-12-2015, 06:38 PM   #13
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Re: Ebay Grill not mine

MacQuigley, the one in your link is a new reproduction (as far as I can tell; someone correct me if I'm wrong) which are often Asian made and are generally inferior to the original USA made GM part. They may look fine, but can be made of cheaper, lighter material, not fit quite right, have crappy finishes, etc.

A good example would be the new repro door handles I bought for my '66 a few weeks ago. They are made in Taiwan, and the original locks didn't fit in them even though the manufacturer assured me they would.

The grill in that ridiculously priced Ebay link is said to be NOS, or new old stock, meaning it is an original part made by GM in 1960-whatever, and has been sitting around unused ever since. Only problem is, the asking price is about $800 too high.
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