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Old 11-12-2015, 09:51 PM   #4
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Re: Replacing THM400 pan gasket

I always use a dry fiber or cork gasket. Clean a drip pan to reuse the transmission fluid if it's still good. I loosen the pan bolts slowly while leaving the front bolts finger tight. The pan will start raining fluid. Be patient keep loosening until one bolt remains at the rear and the two front remain. Hold the pan at the rear and remove the last rear bolt. Once the fluid stops remove the front two bolts and drop the pan. Clean the old gasket off both the pan and the transmission. After cleaning the pan, flip it over and make sure it is flat on the gasket surface (very important). Put 4-6 bolts thru the pan and gasket and install on trans. Use a 1/4 drive socket wrench to make sure you do not over tighten the pan bolts. Refill fluid and check for leaks.
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