Did you do any ignition switch work? I had a similar problem after I rehooked up my ignition switch. The dizzy would get power in the on position, but when put in the sart position would not get power. I had 2 wires backwards on the ignition switch. One wire interrupts power when cranking(start position)so to give all the power to the starter (ie radio, A.C., etc), When put in run position it gets power again. The other wire gets power all the time when ignition turned to start or run. These 2 wires were backwards, so I switched and then it worked fine. Maybe your ignition switch went bad? Hope this helps a little. Good luck!
1972 C20 Suburban- Big Blue Betty
'56 Chevy Bel Air Sedan- Frame up Restoration
-What would you attempt to achieve if you knew you could not fail?-
-I Refuse To Tiptoe Through Life, Only To Arrive Safely At Death's Door-