Re: Blazer Bed Floor Replacement
Thanks Jim. I really appreciate the welcome. I have certainly been learning alot from the boards here. It did take me a week to read your build but I only had a little time each day to do it. I looked forward everyday tho to seeing what was next. I think I am understanding the whole wood bed thing now. I am really thinking I am gonna do it. I really like the looks of them. The only thing that I am still trying to get a picture of in my how the wood meets up and bolts to the inner bed side. Are you saying the wood sits on top of that inner bedside flange? Or should I raise those flanges up so that the wood can be tucked in underneath them? I have had a hard time finding a pic where I can see how the wood meets up with this flange. About half of my flanges around various portions of the bed are toast anyway. So it looks like I am gonna have to go up about 2" from the flange and cut them out and replace it with new metal.
As for the pic obsessions....I will start taking a bunch of pic this weekend and start posting them next week.