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Old 11-14-2015, 01:31 PM   #144
So,, what else you got???
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Re: Parting a 69 C10 with small block and three on the tree.

Originally Posted by bnh1377 View Post
Would the rear end and trailing arms be for sale?
Is it a 12 bolt?
What would the price be for those parts? I would be in no hurry for them if you need to keep it driveable.

If you can use the chassis and what ever else I don't get removed, I would take $100.00 for it. I would really like to keep the wheels if at all possible. I am hoping to be done with it by this evening/Sunday morning. Thanks, Fred.
Our paypal is Please DO NOTsend paypal funds as a gift, right is right. Thanks....
Sorry, we CANNOT ship larger parts. Thanks.
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