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Old 11-15-2015, 11:04 AM   #17
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Re: 1972 c10 om 2001 tahoe 4x4 chassis

I will preface what I'm about to say with: The ones that have posted on here didn't post on my thread. Also I would like to say that the work looks to be good and hopefully progressing like you hoped. Now when I posted about using one of the front frame sections from a 99-07 truck to clip into a 68 long frame to gain the power rack [I know the Tahoe has a box and torsion bars instead]and disc brakes cause I have literately a ton of those things laying around my shop, I was dang near burned at steak.[There were a few that stood up speaking of true hot rod spirit] I hope it is not a personal thing cause I have noticed when I do pose a question I hardly ever get a response. Anyways back to this thread and I do hope you have it turn out for you the way you want. It looks as though you know your way around a wrench and I'm sure it will be nice. Jim
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