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Old 11-15-2015, 02:15 PM   #13
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Location: Lewisberry, Pa.
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Re: Ebay Grill not mine

The NOS grill you picked up for $250.00 was indeed a great buy. My previously mentioned 64-66 NOS aluminum grill did not come to me in it's original box. But I must say, I have studied it well up against the original one on my 65 and it looks extremely nice as far as the quality of stamping is concerned. My original aluminum grill in my truck is incredible nice and will stay on my truck for now. I happen to now the value of NOS parts, and I also know that the supply of these parts are slowly disappearing. So for that reason I bought the NOS grill when I had the chance. For my vehicles it's either very nice original or NOS. It certainly shows when you have someone walk up to your vehicle that has a very well trained eye. They seem to never miss a detail.
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