Originally Posted by Vic1947
Kathy and I were discussing that very thing on the way home from Houston last week, Dan. I've been focused on Maybelline so much that a layer of dust has settled on CRLS. My two immediate problems are no space and no dough. The most practical solution is to find Maybelline a new home, which would kill two birds with one stone as they say. That isn't playing too well around here, however. Or we could put the new Challenger in storage and resume work on the truck a little at a time as funding permits. Either way, it will probably be the first of the year before I make any moves. Most of my subscribed threads have been quiet recently so it's good to see you making some progress.
Man Vic... Do I understand that FUNDS issue... I am about out of those myself... I am hoping to have enough to finish the engine, get the transmission, Vintage air, and the Radiator... If my funds will hold out that long then I can get Raymond completed up to the interior and Drive shaft... at that point it would be done but the interior and drive shaft will probably have to wait a year due to the fact Jan and I are planning on building a house in 2016 and we are doing that out of pocket so there will be absolutely NO pickup funds in 2016... I am looking for sponsors for the interior though... Hopefully someone want in on this truck...