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Old 11-22-2015, 08:33 AM   #18
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Posts: 37
Re: Moving overseas, can't sell truck

Originally Posted by jasonrichardsmith View Post
Hey guys, I am moving overseas, and have yet to sell my truck. I have pretty much run out of time. I have had it listed here for a few weeks as well.

Any suggestions on how to move the truck fast?

Here is my listing on this board:

I am pretty sure Carmax is out of the question and most used car dealers are gonna offer me next to nothing. Maybe not?

I have had a lot of interest but no one that can follow through with actual money.
I have to agree with those that said a flatbed is tough to sell- my paraphrasing- I'm looking for a truck in that range- a good clean one, but the flatbed isnt my style. I'm sorry you're running out of time, have you considered every option at this point?
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