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Old 02-24-2004, 02:00 AM   #39
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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I remember a couple more things like this.

My 71 had a remote oil filter because it was too much of a pain changing it out after I put headers on. Of course now you can get shorter filters, but anyway, The oil lines for the remote filter went to close to the header and eventually weakened it to the point that it burst while on a highway on an indian reservation in Wyoming (again in that state). There are no towns for like 50 miles, its december and its windy and I'm kind of short on oil. Not many cars traveling out there but a phone company guy stops to help. We find a couple hose clamps and cut the finger off a rubber electricians glove. I clamp it on the hose as good as I can and hit the road. It worked great for like 3 miles. Now I'm in no better area and all of the spare oil is gone. As luck would have it, the only house in miles is at the bottom of this hill and the only by god mechanic happens to live right there. He fixes it and because at the time I was a squid (navy) and he's an air force vet, he only charged me $8 because he didn't want to make change.

The remote oil filter (POS) is now long gone. Well out of the truck at least. It's for sale for anybody foolish enough to buy it.

The only other odd ball fix I wanted to mention was the lift kit a high school friend used to jack up the back of his POS duster. He used a bumper jack to get the weight off the rear springs then cut 2 x 4's to fit. Kind of like removing the whole idea of a rear suspension. Rode like it too. Yeah, back in the day...

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