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Old 11-23-2015, 04:27 PM   #9
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Re: Recommendations for tubular control arms.

Originally Posted by chevy_mike View Post
So you are having an issue with a noise, that only happens when the brakes are hot and if you are turning but goes away if you push on the brakes. To solve this you want to replace all the arms.... That seems a little extreme, kind of like saying my engine stalls and to fix it you replace the entire engine.

What type of noise are you having? What type of brakes are they? Do you get any noise when they are cold? My first guess is it is pad knock back and the noise is the pads rattling. Could be as simple as the wheel bearing is too loose and allowing the rotor to move in and out, pushing the pads back in. It goes away when you hit the brakes because you remove all the slop that occurred when the pads pushed back.
The noise I am having is like a grinding, humming noise during Turing in either direction when brakes are hot. I have the pro performance 14" bbk from bear. No noise when they are cold. Any more help would be great this is the 3rd full week the truck has been in the shop and funds are tight. HELP
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