Thread: Raymond
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Old 11-23-2015, 09:50 PM   #391
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Re: Raymond

Went by Patterson's today to take the polished aluminum parts back to them after sealing them over the weekend... I was told that all the parts are there with the exception of a couple of small parts, the custom grind camshaft, push rods and the distributor...

They are starting the bottom end tomorrow and will finish up sometime late next week with the top end... so probably the week of December 7th we will be firing it and running the dyno on it... I am hoping to be able to film it on the Dyno...
Dan Johnston... Owner of My Dad's- '67 Chevy C-20 Custom Camper Short Fleetside Pickup PAPA J And our newest addition a- '71 Chevy CST/10 Short Fleetside Pickup Haulin' SOLD
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