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Old 11-25-2015, 09:58 AM   #1
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Seat and Carpet Question

2 birds w/one stone on this thread...

Are the seat brackets where they mount to the floor painted at the factory or bare metal? If painted, what color? Probably semi-gloss black?

When the trucks w/carpet left the factory, were the seat brackets laid on top of the carpet and bolted in so the entire bracket was exposed and in full view?

Or, did they make cuts in the carpet (w/out making a hole) so there were basically flaps, or a flap that they pulled back, set the seat on the floor, bolted it in and let the flap cover the bolts and bottom of the bracket?

On my Corvettes, they'd put the carpet in first, make 3 slices in the carpet over the bolt hole area, pull the flap back, set the seat in, bolt it in, then put the flaps back, so everything was covered up.

This is aftermarket carpet that covers the entire floor and I'm not sure back in the day when they were built, if the factory carpet covered the entire floor or just went up to the front seat brackets?
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