Should I just go HEI
67 c10 250 engine. Hard to start, especially when cold (I have to use starter fluid). Just installed a rebuilt rocherster b carb from summit, only adjustment was to turn the mixture screw all the way in, then 2 turns out, and the idle. Engine stumbles when I try to accelerate. Low power.
Timing currently at 0, fixing to change that. Only vaccum line is base of carb, it goes to the dizzy. compresstion test, all 120 or just above except #5 is 90.
I just want to get this thing running ok so that I can enjoy it, does not have to be perfect. Trying not to sink a ton of money into it. Don't know condition of distributer, it looks ok. I cleaned it up, plugs look ok and gapped, cleaned them too. new wires and cap. rotor looks ok.
I admit I'm lost. lots of good, very technical advice in another thread. SO I'm tearing my hair out. Should I just go with an HEI? I think I could find a write up and get it installed correctly. I don't have a dwell meter, and am afraid that buying one will just be more money down the drain, cap does not even have a window.
Maybe someone could walk me though the steps to get it "in the ball park" so that I can drive it, then work on getting it better later? Would you guys just get an HEI?
Wish I had the abilities you guys have, but I do have one thing, I can follow directions and learn if they are not too technical.
1967 C-10 4-speed, 350v8