Thread: Insurance
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Old 11-25-2015, 10:43 PM   #17
Carmen Black
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Re: Insurance

I have had Grundy and Hagerty. My question is did anyone get a good list of restrictions in the policy papers they received? They both have vague guidelines on their websites and their hotline will talk to you all day long about what is right and what is wrong, but nothing really in writing.

What I am concerned about is driving to work and running errands in the truck. Grundy acted like that was the craziest idea they had ever heard of while Hagerty was fine driving to work about 20 times year and running errands. But neither addressed any of this in the actual policy papers that they sent me. I am worried that If I ever need to file a claim, then they are going to forget what we verbally agreed to.
Carmen Black Build
1971 SWB - Base Model
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