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Old 11-25-2015, 10:58 PM   #11
Carmen Black
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Re: Serpentine Belt Question

Google "Car Craft Serpentine Conversion". It shows pretty much step by step how to do the small block junk yard conversion and then talks about the Kwik adapters to make it a big block.

I did the small block conversion with parts off of a 1994 S10 from a pick and pull. Went when they were having a half off sale for the holidays. Got the whole thing done real cheap.

The conversion was real easy, the only problems I can remember was I had to buy a reverse flow fan because a reverse flow water pump turns your fan in reverse. You would think you can just turn the old fan around, but that doesn't work. Make sure you get all the bolts from the donor because they are a real odd mix of metric and standard. I had a horrible time trying to find the bolts with the correct thread pitch for the fan.

And I do remember I upgraded to the same alternator as the donor. I can't remember if I had to or just wanted to, but your electrical system may not be setup for that.
Carmen Black Build
1971 SWB - Base Model
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